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Kids Collage Class Page
Solar powered Car

Solar Powered Car

In the class I signed up for, we built a solar powered car! Yea, I have no shape or design, but it really dosen't mater right?!

Anyway, we did this long proseces of building it, and at first mine didn't work! After some homemade modifications I got it to work even better than a lot of people. Ok ok... it was two poeple, but comon! There were only 7 other poeple than me!

We used Balsa wood, Gears, a generator, a solar panel, and wheels.I also used (to modify it) Hot glue, velcrow, tape, and a drill.

Lastly, We hade a race, I and I won!!!!! I won when it was me vs.Chris. You can nag him about his loss at IM EVIL!!)

Oh, and Pinas means "Philippines" in Tagalog

click here for my victor pose!!!!!

click here for me and Chris!!!!!!