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Kids Collage Class Page
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Hi! yes I'm Justin! I know I look really stupid in the picture, but that's because Mr.Goldman took the picture when I WASN'T smiling and won't change the picture (he also got some other kid in the shot :| )!!!!!

Anyway, I am a GAME FREAK!!! I will literaly play video games for hours non-stop! I have a PSP, a Wii, and a DS lite. I am saving up for the 3DS comming spring 2011. I know wiki said it was comming 2010, but the editors got it wrong, it's comming march/april 2011. My fav. games for the Wii is Toribash for the WiiWare (dowloadable game from the Wii Shop chanel for 1000 points )and Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, for the PSP is Dissidia Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy VII(1. VII means 7, 2. You can get the game on the PSone Classic).

Currently I'm on the way to the 7th grade.A little ago when I said I looked stupid, I'm acualy smart, like honors smart. I ended the 6th grade with a 3.88 GPA! I know what your thinking, " Justin is a nerd!", I'M NOT!! If you want to see a nerd, go see a picture of Bill Gates!

FF:VII pic

Sin and punishment for N64 and for the Wii